001 ‚ The Poetics of a Washing Line‘ 2016 Monotype
002 ‚ The Poetice of a Washing Line ‚ 20016 Montype 40cm-50cm
003 ‚ The Poetics of a Washing Line‘ 2016 Monotype 40cm-50cm
004 ‚3quater‘ 2017 Monotype, 40cm-50cm
005 ‚ The Poetics of a Washing Line, Summer Monotype 40cm x 50cm
006 ‚ The Poetics of a Washing Line‘ 2017, Early Morning Monotype 40 cm x 50 cm
007 ‚ Horizon‘ 2017 Drawing on Monotype Base, Mixed Media 50 cm x 40 cm
008′ Horizon‘ 2017 Drawing on Monotype Base, Mixed Media 50 cm x 40 cm
009 ‚ On Silent Wings‘ 2017 Monotype 40 cm x 50 cm
010 Untitled 2017 Mixed Media on Paper 11x16cm
018_Untitled , 2018, Monotype 30x30cm
019_Untitled , 2018, Monotype 30x30cm
020_Untitled_3 2018 Monotype 30x30cm
021_Facing the Shadows, 2018, Monotypie, 30x30cm
022_Facing the Shadows, 2018, Monotypie, 30x30cm
023 Facing the Shadows,2020 Monotype, 50 x 40 cm
024 Light and Shadows, 2020 Monotype, 50 x 40 cm
025 Facing the Shadows, 2020 Monotype 40 x50 cm
026 Facing the Shadows, 2020 Monotype, 40 x 50 cm
027 Facing the Shadows, 2020 Monotype, 40 x 50 cm
028 Untitled 2020, Monotype, 40 x 50 cm
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